One on One training

Fundamental blocks to creating speed.

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Newton's Law of Motion

Learn the biomechcanic of motion.

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Small group training

Training within groups of 10 to 15.

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First session is FREE!

Saturday and Sunday mornings from 8 am to 9:30 am!

Text us at (760) 877-5278 for location.

Generating Speed

Here at Generating Speed, we start everyone off with basic fundamentals of speed. Learning the biomechanics of how to generate force, using Newton's Law's of Motion.

Newton’s third law of motion, which states that for every force exerted there is an equal force exerted in the opposite direction.

Understanding that every time their foot makes contact with the ground, three times the weight of that athlete is landing at that point of contact. Understanding first and foremost how to create force.

Download your FREE copy of The Art Of Speed!


Small Groups

Sign up today for our Small Group training sessions.


Cost per month $150.00

Plus One

The PLUS ONE deal is great when you have more than one child athlete. This allows for one athlete to train at small group price plus one sibling.  (Total of 2)

Cost per month $200.00

Plus Two

The PLUS TWO deal is great when you have more than one child athlete. This allows for one athlete to train at small group cost plus two sibling.  (Total of 3)

Cost per month $250.00

College admission and scholarships play a large role in an athlete's drive and goals to enter college. The problem is that most athlete's do not have the tools to command the attention of a college coach. Here at Generating Speed, we have teamed up with NCSA to provide our athlete's with the tools (FREE) for a successful college recruitment. Click the link below to setup your free profile today.


The Process

Humans are creatures of habit. Knowing this, our brain does not know if it is learning something right or wrong. So if an athlete has learned a skill set wrong, it will take time to unlearn, and therefore correct.

"Repetition is the mother of skill" Through a system of structured repetition our athletes master the new skill set.     More info.

Learn the biomechanics of running!
